
Right in front of the MH is one of the most popular spots for organizations to table.

The McKinney Humanities Building is the central building for the social sciences, liberal arts and humanities at UTSA. It houses the headquarters of the College of Liberal and Fine Arts.


The McKinney Humanities, formerly known as the Humanities-Business Building and then as the Humanities and Social Sciences Building ("HSS"), is one of the seven original buildings at the Main Campus.[1][2]

2011 Renaming[]

The Humanities and Social Sciences Building was renamed in late Spring 2011 as a dedication to Mary E. McKinney, who donated over $25 million to the university.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 "HSS Building renamed McKinney Humanities Building in honor of benefactor". UTSA Today. Retrieved October 16, 2011.
  2. "UTSA Timeline | About UTSA". UTSA. Retrieved October 16, 2011.
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